 Space brothers ALS project

Serika Fund is an activity to gather R&D funds to find ways to treat ALS.

In a story of Space Brothers, Serika became a doctor to find a way to cure ALS. And then, she wanted to be an astronaut to do an experiment in a universe gravity-free space.
Serika never gave up and finnaly succeeded, which means she took a big step for finding a teratment midicine for ALS.

We have created the Serika Fund in order to show support for of all of the people who have been diagnosed with ALS, who live with the fear of slowly losing mobility of their body and the fear of not being able to express themselves despite having their mental functions, pain, and sensing abilities, including thermal sensors in tact, and who fight to find the meaning in their lives. The fund was made to support and make the dreams of these people come true.

Make Serika's dream a reality.

We do appreciate your support!

May 22nd, 2017
Space Brothers ALS project
Kris Kurokawa
Yukihiro Shiga
Yasutaka Konishi
Seri Suzuki
Yuko Nakaya

Contact us

Operating Organization: Incorporated Foundation the Serika Fund
©Chuya Koyama/Kodansha